This is such a lovely story (and the story of Charlie's parents is so inspiring, too!) Although not inclined to nomadism, I've become an absolute fan of keeping things simple, and spending less on stuff. I think Charlie has absolutely caught an impulse that many are feeling.

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Agree 100% with both those statements.

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Thanks Annette! For us it HAD to go with travel, but the principles of living more simply are true for everyone, I reckon

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This is a dream lifestyle for me. Not sure how possible this is for me at 65 but what I'm toying with starting by doing some pet and housesitting here in the US. Loved this read! Inspiring!

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We have friends who headed out on the road in their sixties! And they have loved it.

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On the road is one thing... across the pond and beyond... buckle up buttercup... that's what I told my husband tonight.

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LOL LOL. And he said?

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Pet and housesitting sounds like a great idea!

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Always want to know how you manage health care and retirement when no longer able to travel.

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That's a complicated question we'll still have to figure out.

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In case it helps, and due to how I handle my retirement, I keep my legal residency (mailbox, dl, taxes, healthcare, etc.) in the state I was born and return to regularly (no home, but stay in furnished or unfurnished rentals when "home"), and I use comprehensive travel insurance for emergencies while traveling outside of that region. I do wish I could have comprehensive healthcare everywhere I go, but it's just so expensive right now. So this works fine. ❤️

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"Fuck you" kinds of characters are my kind of people. Congrats to Charlie for paving her own path.

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Thanks Amran!

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Thanks Amran!

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Michael Jensen

Great story Charlie. I'm back in the States and feeling the burden of everything in storage in Portland, including the cost. Congrats on making it work for the two of you.

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Thanks John!

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Brent Hartinger

I love that she keeps the term simple living along with minimalism, as simple living was the focus for me years ago, and minimalism became easier for others to grasp, it seems, so we typically don't hear both terms nowadays. But I love both!

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I love both too. I personally use the term simple living more because it's more all-encompassing as a concept. But they definitely go hand in hand

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Brent Hartinger

Aha, Im seeing the Dolly connection here, Brent 😄 This was a fun read and totally relatable, Charlie!

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Believe it or not he said "after I retire whatever makes you happy, shy of going to Nepal and climbing to base camp." (My bucket list item I agreed to drop in compromising.)

Game changer!

Hope has now sprung and spring is in the air. Yay!

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Also, you can always have a little solo trip to that bucket list!!

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Absolutely. I've got plenty of them now!

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Very, very inspirational! Thank you for sharing. Currently moving out of my house and trying to let a lot of physical objects go. This read will make it easier.

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Thanks Sarah! Appreciate it Good luck with the declutter, it definitely gets easier the more you do it

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You can do it! I had to go slow or it never would have happened. A friend wishes she could have, but that is not always an option. You are not alone in this!

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deletedApr 13, 2023Liked by Michael Jensen
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Indeed! Thanks for reading.

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