Hello boys! Long time no chat! Catching up on a backlog of your articles and what a lovely article to start off with! I think even as an adult, we still have a child inside who loves the theme park dinosaurs and thank goodness we do! We should all remember what makes us laugh or scream in delight and embrace that feeling when we get the chance because sure as eggs, life moves quite fast and before we realise it, we could be stuck in an aged care facility spending ours days looking out the window as life goes by, rather than participating. But it is the peaceful serene moments that afford us the time to reflect on how we are very much alive and how to appreciate the beauty Mother Nature has gifted us.

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Awww, thank you. It's very true about the enthusiasm (and lack of self-consciousness) of youth. But I'm discovering there are benefits to every age, and being older you do more appreciate the quieter moments, the things you didn't bother to stop and notice before. It's a wonderful world we inhabit, isn't it?

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Hi Brent, I enjoyed the description of the spring. Holy sites are always on or near a spring (Lourdes). We have scuba dived Rainbow river in Florida. The current from the numerous springs are strong. The dive boat drops you at the source of river and you effortlessly glide underwater. Kayaking this river is excellent drift down the river a few miles to vendor dock.

Egypt tour we visited the old site of Dendur temple. Before Aswan Dam was built the temple was relocated to preserve at MET, LOL. Only the stairs going down into the Nile or Lake Nassar remained. I asked the Holy Man at this site if a swim was OK. He said lets wash off together before we pray. Now brother enjoy the cool water of this Holy site, big smiles. Great memory becoming one with the water of the Nile. The Zoic shorts dry fast. Swim and dive bring great joy to my spirit.


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Haha I think I've been in that place in the MET. But that sounds FABULOUS. Good thing you didn't run into any crocodiles! LOL

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You made me feel like I was there, Brent!

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thank you!

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NM seems like a nice location.

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Just beautiful.

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