So happy for you finding yourselves! You included so much in this incredible post!! The frustration of America today, a country I was so proud of and a little arrogant in my pride, but now gives me a knot in my stomach; a love of travel but fear of long term travel despite our talking about it for so long; the freedom of downsizing; and yes, how lucky we are as Americans. Great post! Thank you!

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thank you! Lovely of you to say. Happy Valentine's Day!

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❤️❤️❤️ this post. And the sentiment behind your last paragraph in particular shines through so bright. What a beautiful way to show your love for Michael. You know, after being with my husband since the age of 15 (40 years strong), I can relate. We mosey along through our lives doing the best we can, raising our children and ensuring they are ready to fly when they reach adulthood, planning our financial future, enjoying time with family and friends but I have to say, he and I do lose sight of each other through the drudgery of our every day lives. I love him dearly, but I can see there’s more underneath his skin that needs to be exposed. I have no doubt he feels the same about me! I frankly can’t wait until 2023 which is the year we plan to take off for (minimum) year’s exploration around the world. I want to re-introduce ourselves to each other as we delve into new experiences. Because sure as eggs, these last 2 years with covid have made it very clear life is too short and the days are passing too quickly! Stay safe and happy!

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Congrats! And thanks. 😍 One of the very best parts of this newsletter has been connecting with so many kindred spirits.

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Love the last paragraph in particular. Very inspiring about growth and change.

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Thank you! ♥️

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Dear Brent: Yes, smoking does bother me, too. It's hard to believe I used to hang out in the smokers' lounge in one of the schools in which I taught in Houston almost 40 years ago. This was way before the medical profession started to warn against the effects of second hand smoke. I ate lunch there for 2 reasons: 1; it was the closest lounge to my classroom, and 2; the people who frequented that lounge were a lot more fun to be with than the other teachers in the non smoking lounges. That's really the last teachers' lounge I regularly ate lunch in during the day. Since then, I've chosen either to stay in my classroom or go out to lunch. Interesting!

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Dear Brent and Michael: I just finished reading your article. After the Triple B (Bombastic, Boorish, Buffoon) was elected, I too told a few people I was leaving the country. A colleague of mine asked me the day of the election if I thought Trump could get elected as President. I replied I had no doubt he could get elected. And look what happened. I live in California. It's my home. I returned to it after 19 years in Texas just in time for the good people of the Golden State to recall Gray Davis as Governor and replace him with Arnold Schwarzneggar. If that wasn't bad enough, Californians reelected Arnold for a 2nd. term! But to the theme of your post. I'm still here in the US, but I'm moving closer to vacating the premises. If I do, Spain, Italy, and Mexico are at the top of my travel list. Both of my daughters have traveled much more than me. They've both had extensive travel experience in Europe where both of them have said the people there "drink like fish, smoke like chimneys, and party like rock stars", and they're still healthier and happier than Americans here in the USA. That sounds like a group of people I'd like to associate with. Happy Valentine's Day, you two.

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Thank you! And yes, that's fairly accurate, haha. People are definitely healthier in every sense of the word. The smoking does depress (and sometimes annoy) me.

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What an absolutely wonderful email to receive on Valentine's Day! Here's to many journeys, new meetings and greetings in your future. Even if I'm not destined to be a digital nomad, I can pick up on the idea of traveling through the remainder of my life streamlined in my possessions but open and eager for what each day brings. Happy journeys, Brent and Michael!

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why thank you! so nice of you to say. And I love -- and totally agree -- with your attitude. Hope our paths cross one day!

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How wonderful for you both! Happy Valentine's Day...and happy nomad life. It makes me so happy to see such a wonderful couple.

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Thank you for such an inspiring adventure story! Very happy for you both. A potential risk with clearly unlimited rewards. Leaves me envious!!

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Appreciate that! Thank YOU!

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My husband and I love reading your post. We have been planning for many years that once our children were independent, that we too would spend a great deal of time traveling the world, but I must say that Trump's election certainly cemented our plans! I too might be considered a control freak, so it was great to see your comments about letting go and embracing the unknown.

We have recently retired, sold our home and most of our worldly processions in the US and are embarking upon our first slow travel adventure to Spain and Portugal in a few weeks for 2.5 months. We own a home in Costa Rica so we will spend the summer there and then are strongly considering Croatia for the fall.

Thank you for all your valuable information and insights (including your extremely well written post on international health insurance options.) I would love for nomadic paths to cross someday.

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Likewise! Wonderful to meet a kindred spirit! We'll be in Spain in the second half of March. (Stiges, near Barcelona). Where will you be? Croatia is lovely in the fall but there also so many great places in Central and Eastern Europe. It's becoming my favorite part of the world!

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Right now we have planned to go to Calpe, Madrid, Cordoba, Malaga , Almunecar, Ronda, Seville and ending in Barcelona ( with a week in Portugal also). I know that doesn't exactly sound like slow travel but we are looking forward to seeing a lot different things. and have all the energy of starting our first big adventure! We were also going to also spend 10 days in Morocco but have decided not to do that so we are thinking about adding Stiges in the beginning of May to the itinerary so we will be happy to hear what you think about it.

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Sounds like a good plan though!

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Hi Brent, Thanks for that great article. I read it and found many aspects of myself in your words. While I'm not as concerned about the financial aspects (retiring in July and expecting to have plenty of flexibility about where I travel and how I live), I'm definitely a planner and will be a single, gay, older male traveling alone - and worrying a lot about how to connect with others in my travels as you seem to have been so successful at doing. Any suggestions?

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Funny, I literally had another person ask this same question ten minutes ago, and I thought you were the same person.

Here are the tips I just gave him:

(1) Consider coliving (at least once Covid is finally over). It's a great way to meet people in a low-stress manner. We've made many wonderful friends that way. I wrote a bit about it here:


(2) Assume that people will be different outside of America (because they are). I wrote about that here:


(3) Join local expat and nomad facebook groups. People will be faaaaaar more receptive -- I describe it being like those first few months of college, where everyone is open and looking for new friends. Plus, people who travel are more open in general.

(4) Don't be a jerk. This is the biggest tip. Be a good friend to others -- open and tolerant and generous -- and you will attract those kinds of people to you.

Hope our paths cross! Where are you going? In the months ahead, we'll be in Spain, Athens, Greece, Italy (Lake Como), and then...probably Sarajevo.

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Thanks for the suggestions. More things to research - yay!!

My plan begins with a cross-the-US road trip to get residence established using my brother's address in Edmonds, WA. I figure that will take until early September. After that, I'm open, depending on covid restrictions. Australia, East Asia, the Middle East, Europe, South America, North Africa - all on my list. I did "test months" of slow travel to Athens last July and Florence last October to confirm my retirement plans - and loved every minute (even the solitude, though I don't want to make it a permanent state). It would be amazing if we found ourselves meeting and sharing a meal and glass of local wine.

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Sounds perfect! Yes please stay in touch -- only a matter of time, I'm sure. ♥️

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Thinking about writing an article about traveling while single. Email me if you want to be interviewed: brentsbrain@gmail.com

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I did not read this entire piece yet. I got to the Trump reference and had to write that I chatted with a 95-year-old on Friday who said he voted for trump in the first election and he was disappointed in himself. I should give myself an award for not being a snarky jerk in response to his confession. I really, really to say something.

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Oh man, I sooooo get that. But at least he realized the mistake he'd made!

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Yes. And I admit to having to make everything about me.

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I can forgive the first vote, somehow. I can't forgive the continued support.

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