I'm loving your posts. My husband and I will be retiring soon and hope to join the Nomad club until it becomes tiresome or we become too old. I'm hoping that like you, we will both meet new friends together. We are both extroverted introverts. Yes, that is a thing and probably describes you as well. Here's hoping we run into you two on our travels. Melodie & Bob

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Hi Melodie. Lovely to make your virtual acquaintance. Extroverted introverts is exactly how we describe ourselves as well! As for making friends, I can pretty much guarantee that if you want that to happen, it will happen. Honestly, we've been amazed by how easy that part has been.

Here's to crossing paths somewhere down the road!

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Oct 17, 2021Liked by Michael Jensen

A very happy birthday week!!

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Thank you very much, Anne!

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Oct 17, 2021Liked by Michael Jensen

Thank you for sharing, Michael. I moved to California from Brazil at age 31. I made lots of acquaintances, but not friends, during the 14 years I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, then I moved to Chico, 90 minutes north of Sacramento - my husband got a job offer there that he/we couldn’t refuse. We’ve been in Chico for 13 years now and the closest thing I have for a friend are my neighbors next door. After the pandemics we stop socializing. Soon after we all got vaccinated the socializing resumed. Her and her husband, myself and my husband. We had such fun at each other’s home, dancing, drinking, and smoking some pot. Great conversation too. But she is an epitome of a social butterfly 🦋 and could not help but be out and about and the inevitable happened, she got Covid-19. Thanks to being vaccinated she recovered quickly, but my husband and I decided to take another break and stay away for a little longer. It’s been a challenging 21 months but I don’t feel lonely. I guess I am an island too. What I do miss a lot is traveling. I’ve always needed to know what’s around the corner. For the time being I will live vicariously through your and Brent’s adventures. Thank you again, and Happy Birthday.

Ps. Do you carry your own pillow around the world?

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Wow! First of all, I'm so sorry your friend got sick but happy she's better. I definitely haven't socialized much during Covid. Second, sorry you had a hard time making friends in the Bay area. That can be tough. Finally, I don't have room to carry a pillow but I often but a new one wherever we end up staying for a while!

Thanks for the comments and stay safe!

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Oct 17, 2021Liked by Michael Jensen

Happy Birthday!!!! Ahhhhh…. Fifty-ish! What fun. Take it from some 70-ishers, it just gets better!!!!!

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Oh I agree 💯! My life has only gotten better!

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I love this, Michael! Thanks for the post. Patrick and I are not 'digital', so have not lived in co-working spaces and had quite the experiences you describe. But I will say that it has been easier to meet people and make friends since we have been nomads. I think it's partly because we have much in common with the fellow travelers we encounter. Whatever the reason, it's a great benefit of our nomadic life.

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Thank you, Iris, and I agree 💯 that it's easier to make friends because we have more in common with people on the road than those who chose to stay at home.

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I just found your blog and love this post! Happy Belated Birthday! I'm not sure if you've written about it previously, but how do you choose places to stay that put you into proximity of others? (aside from the coworking situation in Miami) Often it is easier to make friends with those staying in group situations - Any tips/hints for finding those, especially for those of us over 40? :)

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Hi Sara! First off, thanks for the birthday wishes. Very much appreciated. We have written about the issue of making friends, but more than happy to discuss again.

We were worried about being lonely, while traveling, and just figured it was part of the deal. But we found it to be quite the opposite thanks to coliving we did not just in Miami, but Italy, Switzerland, as well as coworking, which we did in many places as well.

Coworking can be a great way to plug into a community, especially if you choose something with strong digital nomad ties. There are all kinds of group activities, etc. Yes, those can skew younger than we are and there are certainly activities we steer clear of -- late night karaoke -- but overall we have found these groups to be great places to meet people. The fact of the matter is that the bulk of our friends right now are younger than we are.

And now that we have this network, we tend to meet up with these folks again and again, and to meet other people through them.

I also thing Facebook groups like Senior Nomads is a great way to meet folks, especially over forty. If you're talking about retiring and moving somewhere permanently, then there are all sorts of expat groups you can join.

Ultimately, I think any location will put you in proximity of others. You just have to do a little work to figure out where those people are at and to do the sometimes uncomfortable work of becoming part of those groups.

Feel free to ask any follow ups, especially if you feel like I didn't quite answer your questions!

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I did! Thanks! And I'm sure you'll find a new version of you out on the road. It's the beautiful thing about travel!

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