Feb 21, 2022Liked by Brent Hartinger

Food, agriculture, tastes, attitudes..... all have changed over the past 50 years. Greed is definitely a large part. Food is made to be addictive today. When I was in Europe a couple years ago, I felt better because of the food I was eating, better than when I was home in the US.

It's all on a trajectory that is sad. Corporations want only to make money off of all of us, not improve our lives, unless it makes them richer. Good food is expensive, poor people eat poor food, have worse health outcomes, don't have universal health care, so they die earlier and in worse condition than folks in other countries. Same goes for housing, transoportation, health care, and general well being. Wealth has gone from the poor to the rich over the past century with an ever increasing amount going to the very richest. It's awful.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Brent Hartinger, Michael Jensen

A great article about a subject that "polite" people seem to be uncomfortable with just as they are with the people who struggle with obesity. As someone who has lived this battle I appreciate you putting it out there. Unfortunately, Covid has made it very clear that obesity is a public health issue.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Brent Hartinger

After overhearing someone refer to me as the "fattest thin person" they've ever met, it sat with me for years. I found a fat person in every picture of myself. Now at the advanced age I am, I chalk it up to my sedentary existence and the easy availability of processed foods. I recently dropped 30lbs, simply by walking more, and being careful about what I eat. I'm not dieting by any means, as nothing is off the table, but I won't be enjoying Doritos as frequently as I once did. And I'm very much looking forward to my 11 weeks in Europe this fall. Everything you note here I'm looking forward to -- smaller portions, better ingredients. For some reason, I lose weight when I travel...so long as I watch the bizarre snack foods I find along the way. Looking to dropping another 30.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Brent Hartinger

Yes to the above! Also, I need to take personal responsibility for my own health and wellbeing. If I rely on the government or corporations to look out for my best interests I'm asking for trouble. I have the capacity to learn and change and make minor (or major) sacrifices now that will lead to a better life in the future. I can change me, I can't change "them."

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